It is a disease caused by communication disorders of some substances secreted in the brain. This disease is a disease that causes changes in brain function. This disease consists of two periods, active and passive. 15 - 25 is a more common disease in the age range.
What are the causes of schizophrenia?
It emerges due to different reasons. In order for the brain structure to function properly, the brain cells must be in constant communication. In order to maintain and maintain this communication and order, dopamine, serotene and acetylcholine should be provided. And because of some of the effects of this dopamine substance, it causes schizophrenia due to some disturbances in brain communication. The occurrence of schizophrenia may be gradual or sudden.
Although the first causes of schizophrenia may vary, the symptoms are the same for each patient in the later stages of the disease. There are also reasons that cannot be completely corrected or eliminated after treatment. In these cases, talking to himself, hearing voices, exhaustion and exhausted state are the symptoms that may occur in the advanced dimension of the disease.
Another substance that causes schizophrenia is hereditary. In other words, it can also occur by passing from the family. Schizophrenia due to this factor is the cause of one of the 10 patients.
Environmental causes are among the causes of schizophrenia. For example; exposure to various infections in infancy, physical or sexual abuse during childhood, low oxygen status in the process of birth causes such diseases.
If the patient does not progress, the symptoms that may arise; anorexia, apathy, fatigue, sleep disturbances, susceptibility, nervous disorder, sleep disturbance, increased sexual desire, increased religious beliefs, disruption of personal care, exhibiting skeptical attitudes, subsequent drinking and smoking may be seen. All symptoms of this disease can be seen, but not all of them can be seen.
In simple schizophrenia patients; there are situations such as withdrawal from the social environment, disconnection in the ability of thinking and thinking, and making meaningless and irrelevant vocabularies. And there are situations like hearing no sounds, seeing things that don't. Symptoms such as decreased emotions, weakness in movement and difficulty in focusing are seen. In schizophrenia, behaviors such as aggression are low. However, aggressive behaviors can be dominant in patients who are addicted to alcohol or drugs.
Treatment of schizophrenia is treated with medication and therapy methods. Antipsychotic medications are used during the administration of medication. Although these drugs cannot be cured completely, they are effective in alleviating the symptoms of the disease. These drugs should be used for a long time to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of the disease. And it is aimed to improve the quality of life of the patient. The use of therapy during the treatment process should also be supported by medication. Therapies are administered 1 - 2 once a week, but therapies are performed with the 10 patient.
Another method used in the treatment of the disease is ECT. Although the exact certainty is not fully established, electrodes placed on the right and left of the head aim to restore the disturbed balance in the brain.

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