German Body, Body Parts

German body parts, German body, German bodies, German body, German body organs, German body, German body and organs.

Our precious trip was compiled from the shares of our members who are enrolled in the German forums below, as well as some small letter mistakes etc. as they are collected from the members' share. , the following lesson was not prepared by the AlMancax instructors, so it may contain some mistakes, you can visit the AlMancax forum to reach the lessons prepared by AlMancax instructors.


das Haar / die Haare —– sac.

Kopf —– head.

das Ohr, die Ohren —– ear.

das Gesicht —– face.

die Stirn —–.

die Augenbraue, die Augenbrauen —– brow.

die Wimper, die Wimpern —– eyelash.

das auge, die augen —– eye.

die Nase —– nose.

die Lippe, die Lippen udak lip.

Mund —– mouth.

der Zahn, die Zähne —– tooth, teeth.

das Kinn —– chin.

Hals —– neck.

die Schulter, die Schultern —– shoulder.

says Rücken —– back.

der Arm, die Arme —– arm, arms.

ell bend, ell bend —– elbow.

das Handgelenk, die Handgelenke —– wrist.

die Hand, die Hände —– hand, hands.

der Finger, die Finger.

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der Daumen, die Daumen —– thumb.

der Zeigefinger —– index finger.

der Fingernagel —– quotes.

die Brust —– chest.

says Bauch —– belly, belly.

Knochen says —– bone.

die Haut —– leather.

das Gelenk, die Gelenke —– joint.

der Muskel, die Muskeln —– muscle.

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