German Location and Direction

German place and pointing words, German direction sentences, German description, German direction, German place and directions, German direction words, German place direction sentences.

Our precious trip was compiled from the shares of our members who are enrolled in the German forums below, as well as some small letter mistakes etc. as they are collected from the members' share. , the following lesson was not prepared by the AlMancax instructors, so it may contain some mistakes, you can visit the AlMancax forum to reach the lessons prepared by AlMancax instructors.


Where? Where? Where? hier-here hierhin-here von hier-here dort-there dorthin-there von dort-there daher-there von da-there daher-there draußen-disarida nach draußen-disariya von draußen-disaridan außen-disarida hinaus-disariya drinnen-iceride nach drinnen-iceriye von drinnen-iceriden innen-iceride hinein-iceriye von innen-iceriden oben-upward nach oben-upward hinauf-upward von oben-upward unten-down below nach vorn-forward von vorn-front hinten-back nach hinten-back von hinten-back links-left nach links-left von links-left rechts-sagda nach rechts-saga von rechts-right to drüben-opposite nach drüben-karsiya von drüben-versus hinüber-versus herüber-opposite

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