What is an article?

In German, there is an article in front of genus names. German genus names have genders and these genders come in three types. In German, nouns are either male, female or neutral. Therefore, the article in front of the name changes according to the gender of the name.

In German, all genus names are called artikel der, das, die One of the words is found. These words have no Turkish equivalents and cannot be fully translated into our language. These words are like a part of the name they are in. When learning a name, it is necessary to learn its article together as if it were a single word with the name.

The article for male gender names in German is DER.
The article for female gender names in German is the DIE article.
Neutral genus names in German are DAS articles

There are some exceptions to the rules stated in 3 items above. However, these words are few.

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The word article is referred to as "the" in some sources and as "definition preposition" in others. In addition, articles are abbreviated as shown below in many dictionaries and resources.

In most sources, the article is abbreviated as follows:

of artikel or a r characters.
can artikel f or a e characters.
and the artikel or a characters.

So this is;
The word eli m r or art r ik will be “der art,
The word f f e or e e “will be“ die,,
The word n ​​or s is the word “das art.

If a word has an article, a small r is placed next to the word, die is put next to the word, and the letter e is placed next to the word, and the letter s is put. These letters are the last letters of the der-die-das articles. For example, if you see a letter r next to the word when you look at a dictionary, it means that the article you are looking at is in der, in the same way, if there is an e next to the word, it means that the word is die with the article, and if there is an s, the article is das.

There are two types of articel groups in German. In German, der, die, and das are referred to as articels.
There are also indefinite articles, ein and eine. There is a lecture for these two types of articles on our site, see the links below.

German artikeller subject expression

Specific articles lecture

Indeterminate articles lecture

Some dictionaries MFN They use their letters, mfn letters are the initials of the words Maskulinum, Femininum, Neutrum (Male sex- Female gender-Neutral genus). The letter M stands for der article, F letter for die article and N letter for das article.

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