Dialogues and Cues Used in the German Bank

German bank dialogues, sentences spoken in German bank, German speech patterns in the bank, German banker speeches.

Our precious trip was compiled from the shares of our members who are enrolled in the German forums below, as well as some small letter mistakes etc. as they are collected from the members' share. , the following lesson was not prepared by the AlMancax instructors, so it may contain some mistakes, you can visit the AlMancax forum to reach the lessons prepared by AlMancax instructors.

Ich möchte ein Konto eröffnen. (I want to have an account)
Ich möchte Geld einzahlen. (I want to make a deposit)
Ich möchte Geld abheben. (I want to make money)
Ich möchte 100 € abheben (I want to withdraw 100 €)
Ich möchte Geld überweisen (I want to send money)
ich Moctar to € 100 in die Türkei überweis (Turkey 'I want to send 100 €)
Ist Geld für mich eingegangen?
Welche Banken sind hier vertreten? (Which banks have subordinates here?)
Muss ich ein gedrucktes Formular ausfüllen?
Bitte, geben Sie die Quittung. (Please give me a receipt)

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