Some Words and Proclamations That Report Time in German

Sentences and words that express German time, German time reporting, German time indicating words, German time indicating sentences, German time words, German time sentences

Our precious trip was compiled from the shares of our members who are enrolled in the German forums below, as well as some small letter mistakes etc. as they are collected from the members' share. , the following lesson was not prepared by the AlMancax instructors, so it may contain some mistakes, you can visit the AlMancax forum to reach the lessons prepared by AlMancax instructors.

After a long time in the past:
einst = once
es war ein mal es war kein mal =
ehemals = formerly

After a long time:

damals = then
jemals = one time
anfangs = precedence
früher = formerly
zuerst = before, before

After a little while I get:

neulich = recently, in recent days
unlengst = recently, recently
bereits = not yet
kürzlich = a short time ago
gestern = yesterday

If the event happened a while ago:

soeben = demin
eben erst = just before
gerade = a little before

If the event is happening now:

jetzt = now
augenblicklich = now
heute = today
heutzutage = nowadays

if the event happens after a while:

bald = soon, soon after
nechstens (I will not be able to use it because it is not in my head) = coming soon
künftig = future
dann = then, then
spater = later
nachher = after that

if the event is at the end:

schliesslich = finally
endlich = end

a few examples;

er ist soeben nach hause gegangen. (he just went home)
schliesslich kommt sommer. (finally coming summer)
bald werden wir nach die turkei fahren. (We will soon go to Turkey)

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