What is the Average Salary in Germany

Germany minimum wage 2021

Germany minimum wage 2022 amount has become one of the topics that everyone is curious about.

The minimum wage is a practice that sets the minimum wage that any person working in a country can receive. With this practice, which is implemented in many countries in Europe, employers are prevented from being offered wages far below their labor, and employee rights are protected. Germany is a country that occasionally recruits workers. The reason for this is the low rate of young people who can work in the country. For this reason, the number of people who dream of working and living in Germany has increased considerably in recent years.

What is the Average Salary in Germany?

Speaking of professions Average salary in Germany approximately 2.000 Euros (two thousand Euros) is close to around. german minimum wageIf the amount for 2021 is 1614 Euros has been determined. This amount is approximately equal to 9,5 Euros per hour. With this amount, Germany ranks 5th among the members of the European Union. Minimum wage in Germany When you think of the population working with people, unskilled jobs come to mind. The number of these jobs is really very few.

Only 2% of the population works for minimum wage. Even in occupational groups that come to mind as unskilled jobs such as factory workers, waiters, the amount of salary is above the minimum wage. Again, if it is necessary to make an evaluation on the minimum wage, it is possible to live comfortably on the minimum wage in Germany. With this amount, it is possible to provide all the housing, food and beverage, transportation and communication needs that a person needs to continue his life.

To give an example, the average monthly grocery shopping of a person living in Germany is around 150 Euros. Of course, this amount may vary depending on the amount and type of products you buy, but it is possible for a person to do a month's shopping, including red meat, white meat and fish, for this amount. Again, for a person living in Germany, the monthly rental cost will be around 600-650 Euros. Even when kitchen expenses, transportation, communication and other expenses are added, a salary of 1584 Euros will be enough to meet all the needs of a person. Even the activities in which the person can participate in some money will remain for savings.

What is the Salary Difference Between Germany and Turkey?

What is the Minimum Wage Difference Between Turkey and Germany If you ask, we can make a comparison like this. For example, basic needs are met with 1000 Euros per month in Germany. If we consider that the minimum wage in Germany is 2021 Euros in 1640, the remaining 600 Euros can be purchased for non-essential needs, or the rest of the minimum wage can be set aside for savings.

Where to Work with Minimum Wage in Germany?

The German minimum wage was increased from € 2020 to € 2021 during the transition from 1,584.0 to 1,614.0. While this is the case, the number of people working for minimum wage in the country is limited. Because the recommended salary for most professions is above the minimum wage. For example, the salary of a factory worker is around 3000 Euros. Again, the salary of patient and elderly care workers, who are among the lowest paid working groups in Germany, is around 3000 Euros.



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