What are Language Institutions in Germany? German Language Institutions

GERMAN LANGUAGE INSTITUTIONS. In this article, we will give information about the language institutions operating in Germany. Institutions such as in the Turkish Language Institution in Turkey is also available in Germany. Now we will give information about the language institutions in Germany.

Der Deutsche Sprachverein
(German Language Institute)

Efforts to purify the German language from foreign words have gained a new dimension, especially with the French war of 1870. So much so that there was a great reaction against foreign words in every part of the society. In order to create a national awareness in this field, For the first time at 1876, they came together at a conference to connect the German language to strict rules. Friedrich Kluge's etymological vocabulary of the German language (1883) and the great German vocabulary of the Grimm brothers (1854) emerged during the same period. All of these studies, with the call of the German historian Hermann Riegel, an art historian; and the German Language Association was established in 1885.
The aims of this institution are; Respect and respect for the true spirit of the German language is to awaken understanding of the purity, rightness, openness and beauty of the mother tongue and to create a national consciousness free from foreign language words.
For these purposes, 1 April 1886 was published by H.Riegel, the head of the German Journal of Public Language, the organ of the institution. While creating this journal, a content oriented towards the public was prepared by moving away from linguistic theories and terms.

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25 of the German Language Association. 324 has branches in Romania, Belgium, Switzerland and USA and has more than thirty thousand members. The institution has been most successful in the field of public authorities and education. But there are differences of opinion between the academic community and the authors. U Preußische Jahrbücher ”(Prussian Annals) was the most important instrument of the counter movement, including linguists and writers such as Theodor Fontane, Heyse, Erich Schmidt and Delbrück. According to the declaration published by the thinkers in this journal, it was emphasized that there was no war against foreign words and that this was not turned into a national case. Nevertheless, the institution has managed to continue its development.

Other activities of the institution include scientific articles, Germanization Books (German Food List, Commercial Terms, sports, press, official language dictionaries, etc.), announcements to official institutions and associations, articles under the name of “Language Corner de in newspapers and meetings held in various cities of Germany. It is located.
1.In the period of World War I, the studies of language privatization in Germany became a different concept and became a national cause. Eduard Engel is one of the leading authors of this period. According to him, German is no longer spoken in Germany and the language is slowly disappearing. The German language has become a 'mixed language' of different languages. (Entwelschung, Verdeutschungsbuch für Amt, Schule, Haus und Leben, 1918) According to Engel, using foreign words is a treason.
The German Language Association, which supported Hitler's coming to power at 1933; “Wake up to Germany yayın supports the National Socialists by issuing leaflets under the headings Uyarı Warning to the German People”. In the same year, the institution became a member of the Nazis and the title of the magazine was changed to utt Muttersprache, Zeitschrift des Deustchen Sprachvereins mit Berichten des Deutschen Sprachpflegeamts ”(Journal of the German Language Association, News from the German Language Care Office). However, the institution, whose format was changed, lived from 1943 to the end of the war.

Die Gesellschaft Für Deutsche Sprache
(German Language Society)

10 In January 1947, “Die Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache” was founded in Lünebirg, Germany, under the leadership of Max Wachler to revive the German Language Association after the Second World War. After discussing the aims of the Society, it was decided that the journal “Muttersprache” (Mother Tongue) would be re-published first and the journal N Muttersprache - Zeitschrift zur Pflege und Erforschung der Deutschen Sprache “ starts from. This society, unlike the German Language Association, aims to address foreign words not because they are “foreign,, but in terms of whether they are worn or worn.
The aims of the German Language Society are summarized as follows:
• Helping anyone who needs counseling on language issues
• Contribute to a better understanding of the importance and function of the mother tongue
• Ensuring that language is loved and nurturing this love
• Encourage the German language community to develop language interest and language

The German Language Society has published various works, conferences and courses in cooperation with the official authorities and other institutions in line with these objectives.
After the 1970, the Society gave up emphasis on structural linguistics and social linguistics, standard language, linguistic-policy relations and informatics linguistics. For this reason, it has been criticized by many linguists. The Society responded to these criticisms as follows: 'the important thing is not to use one or more foreign words, but to use' proper words'.

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Institut Für Deutsche Sprache
(German Language Ensemble)

The German Language Institute (IDS) was founded in 1969 in Mannheim, Germany. Unlike the linguistic societies so far, this institute was founded by scientists who have done successful work in linguistics and language history: Paul Grebe, Rudolf Hotenköcherle, Karl Kurt Klein, Richard Hensen, Jost Trier, Leo Weisgeber and Hugo Moser.

The main research areas of the German Language Institute are:
1. Grammar and Dictionary section: In this section, the structure of the language and dictionary studies related to different areas are carried out.
2. Comparative Linguistics: In this section, projects are carried out for the comparison of German with other languages.
3. Linguistics Data Processing Department: Computer Linguistics studies are carried out in this department.
4. Central Section: The department dealing with spelling reform and language development.

Some of the activities of the German Language Institute are;

Sprache der Gegenwart (Today's German),
Linguistische Grundlagen, Forschungen des IDS,
Forschungsberichte des IDS (Scientific Research Reports of the German Language Institute),
Studien zur deustchen Grammatik (German Grammar Studies),
Deutsche Sprache (German Language Magazine),
GERMANISTIK is a magazine in which all works published in the field of German Language and Literature are introduced.

According to Hugo Moser, the German Language Institute is interested in research based on “System Linguistics ve and has no prescriptive function.
It is seen that; the constraints and normative attitudes expressed throughout history have not produced any positive results. At this point the German Language Institute has opted not to engage in such an effort, taking good lessons from recent history, and is actively continuing its existence.

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